
Thursday, July 1, 2021

Lakewood Promises Dancing, Swimming, Fireworks for 4th of July, 1921

Fireworks for the 4th. . . Manager Orr Arranges Program for Lakewood on Independence Day

One of the most lurid displays of fireworks that ever took place around Charlotte will be put on at Lakewood Park the night of July 4, according to Manager W.S. Orr of the park, who exhibited Monday a contract with a company that specializes in that kind of work. The display will be staged on the east side of the lake, allowing a direct and unobstructed view of the display to the big crowds that are expected on park grounds that night. The display will start at 10:30 o’clock.

The celebration of the Fourth, in so far as Charlotte is concerned, will be staged mainly at Lakewood. Many stores are to close for the day, and this will be true of the Carnegie Library, the courthouse, the city hall, except for fire and police departments, and most other places. There is no formal scheduled arranged for the celebration, but the public will spend the day according to the whim and pleasure of each individual.

Dancing will be on the Lakewood program for Monday afternoon from 3 to 6 o’clock. Both the big dancing pavilion on the second floor and the big skating rink on the first floor will be the scenes of dancing. Several dancing parties have spoken for the privilege of the floor to insure accommodations. However, there is space enough to accommodate all comers. There will be an intermission of dancing from 6 to 8:30 o’clock, after which there will be dancing until the fire works display. Every amusement device and facility for making visitor to the park happy will be in full swing all day of the Fourth. The fleet of row boats will be supplemented by some new ones, the swimming pool will be open all day, the swings will be in place, the merry-go-round will be going through its merriest evolutions.

From The Charlotte News, June 27, 1921

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