
Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Woman Claims W.A. Roseman Alienated Her Husband's Affections by Selling Him an Extract, July 20, 1921

Claims Extracts Got Hubby’s Love

Salisbury, July 20—A Salisbury woman is suing a man for alienating her husband’s affections. This unusual case will come up at the next term of superior court. Mrs. Melissa J. Woodington claims in her pleadings that W.A. Roseman, a local merchant, sold her husband certain extracts on which he became intoxicated and as a result mistreated and left her. She claims $10,000. Roseman denied that he sold the extracts for beverage purposes.

Mr. and Mrs. Woodington have recently become reconciled, and it is understood the husband will be a witness for his wife when the case comes up.

From The Charlotte News, July 20, 1921

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