
Thursday, September 23, 2021

Alfred R. Wilson Buys Selma Drug Store, Sept. 20, 1921

Alfred R. Wilson Buys Drug Store in Selma. . . Dunn Young Man Quits Road to Become Pill Roller in Johnston

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Wilson left yesterday for Selma where Saturday Mr. Wilson assumed charge of the drug store established several years ago by the Richardson Drug Company. He will devote his entire attention to the business in future.

Mr. Wilson has been traveling for a wholesale drug concern since he quit the real estate business here a year ago. He is a brother of C.L. Wilson, druggist, J.W. Wilson, lawyer, and Mrs. A.L. Newberry of Dunn. He was engaged in the drug business in Columbus county for several years before coming to Dunn nearly two years ago.

The Dunn Dispatch, Sept. 20, 1921

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