
Thursday, September 23, 2021

Major and Mrs. Parker Visit Duncan J. Parker, Sept. 20, 1921

Major Parker Visits Relatives in Harnett

Major John A. Parker, United States Army, and Mrs. Parker, arrived here last night from Washington to visit the major’s father, Duncan J. Parker, whose big plantation is a short distance from town. Major Parker will leave today for Savannah on a mission from the judge advocate general’s office.

Major Parker was residing in Charlotte, where he was president of the Greater Charlotte Club, before North Carolina troops were sent to the Mexican border. He entered that service as captain of a Charlotte company. During the World War he was promoted to lieutenant colonel, but resigned at the end of hostilities to enter business in New York. Last year he was offered a commission as major in the regular army and accepted.

The Dunn Dispatch, Sept. 20, 1921

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