
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Charles Moore Retiring From Shoe Business, Sept. 14, 1921

Retirement of Mr. Moore

The retirement of Mr. Charles R. Moore from the business life of the community after an unbroken period of 36 years of service in the store that has in late years borne his name, will be keenly felt in local mercantile circles where Mr. Moore had been professionally regarded as an able and upstanding man of affairs. He relinquishes his duties with a record of active service in the shoe business of the city that will ?? (word obscured) remain ?? (word obscured) parallel for many years and a record of consistent and conscientious devotion to duty that ought to be an inspiration to many others who are young? In the service of merchandising.

From the Charlotte News, Sept. 14, 1921. Sorry, but I couldn’t make out three of the words in the original article.

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