
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

T.C. Mooney Shoots Crawford Monsion In the Head, Sept. 14, 1921

Café Manager Shoots Negro. . . Cook in Southern Station Restaurant Was Shot in the Head

Crawford Monsion, negro cook at the Southern Station Café, is in the Good Samaritan hospital with a bullet wound in the head as the result of an alleged attack with a butcher knife on T.C. Mooney, café manager, Wednesday morning. His condition was not considered serious, although the ball entered below the left eye and penetrated deeply.

Mooney fired when Monsion started towards him with a knife after having thrown a soft drink bottle at him, according to the café manager’s statement to the police. He called police headquarters after the shooting and Detective Earnhardt arrested him. He is being held in jail awaiting the physician’s report as to the negro’s condition.

Both men were in the café when trouble arouse between them. A dispute over details of the negro’s work brought on the quarrel and Monsion leveled the soft drink bottle at the manager’s head, Mooney said. He ducked and the bottle hit the wall behind him. Monsion grabbed a butcher knife and started around the counter. When he did this Mooney ran to a drawer and brought out a 32-calibre pistol. As the negro approached nearer, the gun was fired.

A considerable crowd was about the passenger station at the time. As soon as the negro fell, the café manager went to a telephone and asked the police to come after him. Monsion was rushed to the Good Samaritan hospital. If the negro recovers, and it was thought Wednesday morning that he would, a warrant will be issued against him charging an attempted assault.

From the Charlotte News, Sept. 14, 1921

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