
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Janie Sanders Suing Utility Company for Electrical Shock That Cost Her Two Fingers, Sept. 14, 1921

Negress Is Seeking to Recover Damage

Joe Baxter, next friend of Janie Sanders, negress, seeks $5,000 damages of the Southern Public Utilities company in a suit which has been brought as the result of alleged injuries sustained by Janie when she sustained an electric shock upon coming into contact with an electric light cord at the home of W.H. Pitts, South Graham Street, about two weeks ago. Col. T.L. Kirkpatrick and H.L. Taylor are representing the plaintiff.

The allegation is made that the crossing outside the Pitts home of a high-powered wire with the line leading into the house was responsible for the shock received by the negress when she went to switch on a light in the home. She was knocked unconscious, and it was necessary to amputate two fingers, it is claimed.

From the Charlotte News, Sept. 14, 1921

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