
Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Club News From Weldon, N.C., Sept. 22, 1921

Club News From Weldon

Womans’ Club, Book Club

On Friday evening at the School Auditorium from 8:30 to 10 o’clock the Womans’ Club and the Book Club will entertain complimentary to the Faculty, the School Board, the Senior Class and the patrons of the Weldon High School.

The Weldon band will furnish music for the occasion and five-minute talks will be made by the pastors of the churches and representatives of the School Board and Clubs.

The above-mentioned persons and members of the club are cordially invited to be present. At the conclusion of the program there will be a social hour during which refreshments will be served.


Thursday Afternoon Club

The members of the Thursday Afternoon Club were entertained Thursday, September 15th, by Mrs. C.S. Vinson at her home on Washington Avenue. As this was the first regular meeting for the new year, the program was somewhat of an introduction to the course to be studied for the year, ‘A study course in modern drama.’ The first paper, “What Is Drama,” was read by Mrs. L.W. Murphrey. The next, “Ihsheri’s Life and Words,” by Miss Ruth Clark. Then a voice selection, “They Needed a Song Bird in Heaven,” was very sweetly rendered by Mrs. R.T. Daniel, which concluded the program for the afternoon.

The hostess was assisted in serving by Mrs. W.L. Scott and little Miss Virginia Vinson.


American Legion

The William Shaw Post American Legion met Thursday evening, Sept. 15th, for the election of officers for the Post for the coming year. The officers elected were:

Commander—Dr. W.G. Suiter

Vice-Commander—Wiliam Josephson

Finance Officer—Paul Joyner

Adjutant—W.K. Gray

The new officers were installed immediately and a call issued for a meeting Monday night.

The meeting Monday night was well attended and more real wide-awake interest and enthusiasm shown than any meeting the Post has ever had. A number of interesting plans for the future were discussed, notably, the ones of the 1921 Armistice Celebration, to be held in Weldon.


The Woman’s Club

The September meeting of the Child Welfare Department of the Woman’s Club was held in the beautiful new home of Mrs. N.S. Barnes. The meeting was largely attended and full of interest.

After the transaction of routine business, Miss Saucer, the County Health Nurse, delivered a most practical lecture on the “Proper Nourishment of the Growing Child.”

The interest she aroused was evidenced by the Department voting to put on a health campaign in the school. Scales will be placed in the building for weighing the pupils and charts in every room on which a record of the physical condition of each one will be kept. At intervals during the session the pupils will have an opportunity to hear lectures on the care of the body.

Physical defects found will be reported to their parents, and it is hoped by their co-operation in having these removed that not only will their physical condition be improved but their mental efficiency greatly increased.

If you are interested in this work you are cordially invited to join the Child Welfare Department of the Woman’s Club on the 12th of October. The meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. R.T. Daniel.

From The Roanoke News, Weldon, N.C., Sept. 22, 1921

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