
Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Reports from North Carolina A.M.E. Zion Churches, September 1921

Reviewing the Field of Action

Zion Hill Church

By R.B.C. Richardson

A few words about the rally at Zion Hill Church, Concord, N.C., and our loving pastor, Dr. P.A. McCorkle. Dr. McCorkle put on a $600 rally and in about five weeks we raised $652.40. Great is Dr. McCorkle. We love and reverence him, and we know he is a Christian gentleman. We hope to give the full details of the rally at an early date.


Statesville Notes

By Prof. J.A. Gamble

Mr. Jess Houser passed away on the 5th. Brother Houser was a native of Yadkin County but for 20 years has been in Iredell County. He was a loyal citizen of Iredell County, having been in the employ of Adam and Powell Tobacco Company for 24 years. He was 64 years of age and leaves a wife, Mrs. Blanche Houser, two sons and four daughters to mourn his loss. Funeral services took place at the Shiloh A.M.E. Zion Church by Rev. Musgraves. The pall bearers were Ewan Burnett, J.A. Gamble, Romie Williams, A. Nicholson, Allen Morgan and Arch Weaver.

Among the many who went on the excursion to Washington, D.C., were Miss Hattie May and Miss Ann B. Bailey.


Splendid Revival at East Bend N.C.

By Rev. H.H. Jackson, A.B.

Rev. H. Maberry is a coming young man. It was my good fortune to be with this young man and preach for him on Monday night, Aug. 15th, at the opening and on Friday night, Aug. 19th, at the close. Rev. C.T. Bryant preached the other three nights. Thirty persons were happily converted, and 24 joined our church. The work is in fine condition, and we feel sure that Rev. Maberry will make a full report when the conference meets.


King’s Mountain, N.C.

By Geo. W.E. Dixon

Rev. F.B. Falls has just closed a grand revival at Wesley Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church on Friday night last. Many souls were added.

The revival at Zion Grove A.M.E. Zion Church began the third Sunday of this month. Rev. H.A. Keaton of A.M.E. Zion Church of Shelby, N.C., will assist our pastor, Rev. P.B. Falls, in his meeting at the above named church.

We the members of Zion Grove Church have just completed a recess to our church size 14 by 10 by 4 feet deep.

The Divine Healer will preach at Kellows Chapel M.E. Church of Bessemer City at 11 a.m.

At 2 p.m. Sept. 11th, the members of Zion Grove A.M.E. Zion Church gave a birth reception in honor of Mrs. Mary A. Hart, mother of Rev. Geo. W. Dixon Sr., on Saturday, Sept. 11th, at the home of Rev. G.W. Dixon. Her grand daughter, Mrs. Daisy E. Sharp of 204 Jefferson Street, Danville, Va., arrived on Sept. 9th to witness the 78th birthday of Mrs. Hart, who at this time is the mother of seven children, 32 grand children and 29 great-grandchildren. The choir of Zion Grove A.M.E. Zion Church sang for the occasion.

Mrs. Sadie F. Dixon, President of the Buds, will give an entertainment in the near future.

Mrs. Minnie Cathcart, President of the W.H. and F.M. Society, is making splendid progress.

We are sad to mention the death of Mr. Milton Harris, who departed this life some few days ago. Peace to his ashes.


Syloon Quarterly Conference

By Rev. G.G. Houston

The Syloon Quarterly Conference was called together by Rev. G.G. Houston, September 3rd, with the brothers of the Board in their places, who made a round report of their earnest work during the Quarter. I found the brothers in a good shape and they seem to be moving on nicely and well pleased with their beloved pastor, Rev. White. The brothers and sisters of the Syloon Board promised that they would help the Rev. White to make a round report. We had a fine meeting all day Sunday and the presence of the Holy Spirit was with us. We rounded up Sunday evening and raised in this quarter, a quarter composed of about 35 members, for all purposes $31.99. The members tell me they are willing to help push this great Zion to the top by sacrificing their time and money. The following are the names of the members who gave so loyally: Rev. G.G. Houston, $1; Sister Eva Patterson, $1; Sister Lula Steele, $1; Sister Hager Myers, $1; Brother Rainie Patterson, 75 cents; Kinley Steel, 50 cents; Lizea Sumers, 50 cents; Rosie Dolton, 50 cents; Mandie Patteron, 50 cents. God bless the people of the Syloon Zion Hill District.

--Troutman, N.C.


Williamston Circuit

By Rev. C.C. Hunter

The pastor and members of Williams Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church made no mistake when we secured the services of Rev. Mrs. Ida Burrell of Richmond, Va., to run us a 10-nights' revival service, the greatest ever held here, it is said by both young and old. We had about 65 conversions and 52 out of that number were added to our church.


Center Street A.M.E. Zion Church, Statesville

By E.O. Cowen, Pastor

Center Street Church has been blessed with a revival of religion that has placed the church in a high water mark spiritually. Rev. D.D. Moore of Asheville, N.C., was with us four nights and preached to large crowds each evening. Four were happily converted—while scores of others were revived and the whole city as well as the church much helped by the meeting.

Presiding Elder S.T. Hawkins, D.D., held his fourth quarterly conference on Friday night, September the 9th. The reports of the several departments showed that over $3,000 had been raised and 36 members had been added to the church.

The Missionary Women led by Mrs. Annie Robinson, District President, Mrs. Ida Littlejohn, Miss Hattie Mae Bailey and Mrs. Etta Moss, have outdone themselves in service for the Master—not only by raising money, but also by praying and administering to the needs of the sick and unfortunate of our city. Brother R.D. Bailey, the grandest Roman of them all, and Brother John Sherill, chairman of the Trustee Board, Brother Thomas Griffin, chairman of the Stewards, Mrs. Alice Peay, chairman of the Stewardess Board, Mrs. Annie Stockman, President of Daughters of the Conference, Mrs. Katie Golden, President of the Ladies Aid, Mrs. Maggie Young, President of King’s Daughters, Miss Flora Morrison, President of Junior Stewardess Board, Brother Boger Kerr, President Ushers Board, and the whole membership (we wish it were possible to name each one of them) have all done yeoman service for the Master this conference years.

And we would not forget the Junior church with 55 children on roll, which was started by that far-sighted minister Dr. W.O. Carrington—who left it to the present pastor as a rich legacy. They are showing today the wisdom of his act—by rendering valuable service to God’s church and an inspiration to all who enter Center Street Church on Sunday morning.

All have contributed their bit toward making this a successful year. They were thoughtful of their pastor and voted him a vacation which he intends spending with his mother in Chattanooga, Tenn.

Presiding Elder Hawkins preached three soul stirring sermons on Sunday, September 11th, and the fire fell. He was indeed at his best on this day. One splendid young man joined the church. Ninety partook of the Lord’s supper, and $103 was raised during the day.

Long will this happy day linger in our memory. Thus ended a glorious quarterly meeting.

--Statesville, N.C.


A Musical Entertainment

By Rev. R.T. Mitchell, A.B., B.D.

It is with price that the writer wishes to mention through The Star a great musical entertainment which was given at St. Stephen’s A.M.E. Zion Church, Aug. 30th, 1921, by Mrs. Dorphenia Wingfield Hall, (wife of Rev. G.F. Hall, A.B., pastor of the A.M.E. Zion Church, Norwood, N.C.), who appeared in a piano recital interspersed with vocal classical numbers and rendered the following program:

Opening Song

Invocation, Rev. G.F. Hall

Remarks, Master of Ceremonies

“Melodie”, Moskoskie

“Harp Eoline,” Sidney Smith, Mrs. Hall

“Selection,” Rex Quartette

“Nightingale,” Listz

Fra Diavoto, Sidney Smith

Dorphene, composed by Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Hall

Vocal Solo. (A) “Who Knows,” Dunbar; (B) “In the hush of the Twilight Hours,” Adam Geibel, Rev. R.T. Mitchell

Aeolus, Gwimke

Improvisation, La Forge

Whirlwind, Tittan

Mrs. Hall is indeed a great pianist, one of whom the Negro Race needs be proud. Her graceful deportment and magnificent touch while performing at the instrument is rarely if ever surpassed.

She certainly made a hit in Gastonia.

You may secure her services by writer her or Rev. G.F. Hall, A.B., Norwood, N.C.


The Cleveland Revival

By Dr. T.H. Jones

I accepted an invitation to preach five nights in the revival services at the A.M.E. Zion Church, Cleveland, N.C., of which Rev. C.V. Ramseur is the pastor.

It is a pleasure to be associated with this congenial, whole hearted clergyman; always lively and witty.

He is a thoughtful preacher, careful, painstaking and successful pastor.

Cleveland is an old fashioned town, limited in progress but exceedingly quiet.

The colored people, for the most part, own property within the town but vocationally they are farmers.

The revival services were largely attended, increasing each evening until one or more congregations remained outside because all seats were taken and a scarcity of standing space. Several precious souls were converted and the church revived.

Large crowds of white people flocked to the services. It gave us an opportunity to directly labor for the salvation of two races in the town of Cleveland. The Presbyterian and Zion are the only churches in the town; and they work together harmoniously and in love as members of one family.

The Woods, Halls, Houstons and Bridges are among the leading families of the church.

The pastor is endeared in the hearts of the people of Cleveland and is making steady and substantial progress.

We were the

special guests of Sisters Bridges and Wood, but were entertained in the homes of a few other citizens. Zion in Cleveland, N.C., can be made a station when the sun is a little higher.

--Gastonia, N.C.

From The Star of Zion, Greensboro, N.C., Sept. 22, 1921

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