
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Doings In Farmville Society, Sept. 30, 1921

Doings In Society

Mrs. W.M. Willis Entertains Merry Matrons

The members of the Merry Matrons Club were delightfully entertained on last Friday at the home of Mrs. W.M. Willis.

The contest, which was a Picture Puzzle, was won by Mrs. Jasper Shakleford, the prize being a box of stationery. An iced course was served.


Mrs. G.A. Jones Entertains Afternoon Bridge Club

Mrs. G.A. Jones entertained the members of the Tuesday Afternoon Bridge Club and a few invited guests Tuesday afternoon. The highest score was made by Mrs. Jack P. Lang, who was presented with two Crepe de Chene handkerchief. After the game, delicious refreshments consisting of sandwiches and iced tea were served. The next meeting will be with Miss Bee Donkle.


Miss Vivian Case Entertains

Miss Vivian Case entertained the members of the Young People’s Missionary Society, inviting their husbands, sweethearts and friends.

Upon arriving the guests were served fruit punch. Miss Emma Dale and Mr. Alfred Moore presided over the punch bowl.

Progressive Rook and Zip were played, Miss Lula Joyner and Mr. Earl Forbes receiving the prize for the best players.

The “Movie Star” contest was won by Mrs. J.W. Parker and her partner, Mrs. W.M. Willis, the prize being movie tickets. An iced course was served.


Lawn Party Given by Mrs. Fox

Mrs. O.E. Fox delightfully entertained in honor of the teachers on Tuesday afternoon.

Punch was served by Misses Martha Carr and Alice McCargo. The guests were presented with an interesting and useful contest on wood.

After this each was given a card entitled, “How to Keep a Good Teacher.” Miss Annie Perkins solved the problem in rhyme and was awarded the prize, a hand-made handkerchief. An iced course was served. About 30 guests were present.

From the Farmville Enterprise, Sept. 30, 1921

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