
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Elon College Enjoys Visit by Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Sellars, Sept. 30, 1921

Northern Visitors Again on Elon Campus. . . Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Sellars, Visiting Daughter and Son-In-Law, Speak of South

Those who like a handshake that is real and hearty have certainly been satisfied in Mr. H.C. Sellars, who is again a visitor at Elon.

Mr. Sellars and his wife are visiting their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F.B. Corboy. Mr. Sellars is a great favorite with the students. Despite his years, which do not appear to be half what he says they are, he was readily accepted last year, when he came down on a similar visit as “one of the fellows.”

Mr. Sellars is from Pittsburgh and never came South until last fall. He liked it so well, he says, “I couldn’t very well wait for my second visit to come due.” He is elated over Southern cooking, Southern customs, and Southern hospitality. Sometimes he is seen coming in from the country resembling very much Charlie Chaplin, camouflaged as a tree in “Shoulder Arms.” But his camouflage is simply a collection of herbs and shrubbery ranging from cotton to long leaf pine, which he takes back home as souvenirs. In regard to his stay here, he has the following to say:

“Boy, it’s good to get away from the hustle and bustle of a big Northern city and spend a few weeks in a quiet Southern town.”

From the front page of Maroon and Gold, Elon College, N.C., Sept. 30, 1921

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