
Monday, September 20, 2021

Ernest Daniels Lynched by Mob at Pittsboro, Sept. 20, 1921

Negro Lynched by Mob at Pittsboro Early on Sunday. . . Colored Youth Discovered in Home of New Hope Farmer While Husband Is Away. . . Bloodhounds Trail Him to Home Nearby. . . Reported to Have Made Confession to Officers Before Being Lodged in Jail; Mob Secures Keys to Jail from Jailor Taylor and Hang Negro With Auto Tire Chain

Pittsboro, Sept. 18—Ernest Daniels, a negro youth who is alleged to have been found in the home of Walter Stone in New Hope township Friday night, was removed from the Chatham jail this morning about 2 o’clock and hanged to a tree with an auto tire chain on the old Raleigh road, five miles east of this place. Several thousand people visited the scene of the lynching today.

When Gertrude Stone, daughter of Walter Stone, a white farmer, was awakened Friday night, she found a negro leaning over her bed, it is stated, and thinking at first that it was her brother, she called to him. This frightened the negro away. Mr. Stone was away at the time hunting and there was no one in the house except his wife, little son and daughter.

Bloodhounds were secured from Raeford and late Saturday afternoon they took up a trail which led to the home of Daniels. The negro youth is reported to have confessed to have entered the home to the officers who took him into custody. He was brought to Pittsboro and lodged in jail.

The jail was surrounded this morning at 2 o’clock and after two unsuccessful attempts, the keys were secured from Jailer W.H. Taylor, who was overpowered by the crowd of men.

Following the hanging of the negro, the mob fired shots into the body with shotguns and pistols.

Coroner George H. Brooks called an inquest, which adjourned for further investigation after the jury had viewed the body.

Several crimes have been committed in this county recently and this lynching is regarded as the climax of the feeling of anger that has been engendered.

The Dunn Dispatch, Sept. 20, 1921

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