
Monday, September 20, 2021

Henry Monds Injured at Pope Cotton Ginn, Sept. 20, 1921

Henry Monds Suffers Broken Hip at Mill. . . Caught in Machinery Bolt at Pope Plant—Carried to Fayetteville Hospital

Henry Monds, colored, 35 years old, suffered a broken hip and minor injuries at the Pope cotton gin yesterday when he became entangled in a machinery belt and was thrown against a wall. He was immediately carried to a Fayetteville hospital for treatment.

It was at first feared that the man’s injuries would prove fatal. Subsequent examination by Drs. H.C. Turlington and W.E. Coltraine, however, disclosed no really serious injuries. Dr. Turlington stated last night that his patient would soon be ready to return home.

The Dunn Dispatch, Sept. 20, 1921

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