
Thursday, September 16, 2021

Mary Francis Summey, 5, Now Safe in Arms of Jesus, Sept. 16, 1921

In Memory of Little Mary Francis Summey

Mary Francis Summey on the 14th of August departed this life at the age of 5 years. She was a winsome child just out from the cradle roll in the beginners’ class. A beautiful bud just opening its fair sweet petals to life’s love and sunshine, but Jesus said “Suffer Little Children to Come Unto Me,” and He has called her from her little friends unto Himself. Do not grieve for her, but look up with love and see her “Safe In The Arms of Jesus.”

--A Friend


Little Mary Francis Summey died August 14, 1921, age 5. After a brief illness of diphtheria, the angel of death did not hover long over her little bed. The God who gave her to us was merciful and almost before we realized it the angels bore her spirit to her eternal home. But oh how we miss her; the home is no more the same; the dear voice we loved to hear is hushed in death, but Heaven seems nearer since she is there. She was only a bud on earth to bloom in Heaven.

Oh for the touch of a vanished hand and a sound of a voice that is still.

--One Who Loved Her

From the front page of The Brevard News, Friday, Sept. 16, 1921

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