
Thursday, September 16, 2021

Transylvania Fruit Crop Failed, County Fair Cancelled, Sept. 16, 1921

Brevard Club Holds Meeting. . . Transylvania County Fair Not to be Held This Year—Banquet Postponed

The regular meeting of the Brevard Club was held Tuesday night. The meeting was well attended and several things of importance was disposed of. The question of whether we would have a county fair this fall was freely discussed. Mr. Lindley, the county agent, made a short talk in which he explained that the fruit crop was a failure, no preparation has been made to have a fair; that we should have begun the preparation last June and that it was the opinion that no fair was really better than a bad one. Therefore he thought we should call it off to prepare for a big one next fall. Upon a vote the majority voted not to have the fair.

Sec. Ranson was instructed to have Mr. Barnhill of the Barnhill studio in Asheville return to Brevard at an early date to make some additional views for the new booklet under preparation for next summer, also to find out how many boarding houses wanted a cut of their home in the new booklet.

Our new application for membership was received and the Club can now boost over a hundred members. A report from the secretary detailing the work accomplished during the advertising season just closed was read and approved. In comparison to other towns this report showed that Brevard had enjoyed her full share of the tourist trade which was due in part to the systematic way in which advertising was managed. All requests for information was answered promptly and when necessary a personal letter was written, a carbon copy was made and a file opened until the party was located.

The proposed improvements at Brevard Institute was discussed and a committee appointed to use their good influence to secure local architects, contractors, carpenters and laborers.

From the front page of The Brevard News, Friday, Sept. 16, 1921

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