
Friday, September 10, 2021

News From Kenly, Creech's Church, Plain View, Elevation, Sept. 9, 1921


Sept. 7-- Rev. C.E. Clark filled his regular appointment at the Presbyterian church Sunday. He preached in his usual impressive way in the morning at 11 o’clock and in the evening at 8 o’clock.

The Radcliffe Chautauqua has arrived here for a three days stay in town. The program will begin this afternoon at 3 o’clock. It is expected to be unusually good this time and a large attendance.

The first bale of cotton for the season was ginned here yesterday for Mr. W.T. Kirby. The farmers of this section seem to be more encouraged over the prospects of the new selling price of cotton.

Dr. Thel Hooks will be in town again next Monday for the purpose of inoculation against typhoid and diphtheria. We are glad to know that so many people have taken advantage of this opportunity to protect themselves against these diseases.

Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Edwards and children from Princeton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L.Z. Woodard Sunday.

Mrs. Eagles and children are leaving today to visit relatives in Richmond.

Mrs. Ross Edgerton spent Monday in the country with her sister, Mrs. Fitzgerald.

Mr. Henry Huff of Fayetteville returned to his home Saturday after spending some time with Mr. John Woodard.

Mr. F.A. White, accompanied by Misses Ethel and Sadie Morris, spent a few hours in Stantonburg Saturday.

Mr. J.M. Woodard and Miss Beulah Bailey left Friday to attend a house party at Myrtle Beach, S.C.

Messrs J.W. Darden, T.C. Bailey and E.Z. Neighbors attended the ball games in Wilson and Rocky Mount Monday.

Miss Mildred Darden left Tuesday to enter school at G.C.W. in Greensboro.

Miss Lucile Holden left Tuesday to enter school at Louisburg College.

Dr. R.A. Turlington spent the week end in Sampson County with relatives. He was accompanied home Monday by his wife and daughter, little Evelyn Dixon, who have been spending some time with relatives in Roseboro.

Messrs. Jack Hooks and Leon Watson left Tuesday for Elon College, where they will enter school.

Mrs. Otto Barnes spent a few days with her brother at Wilson’s Mills last week.

Services next Sunday by Rev. J.E. Holden, pastor of the M.E. church.


Sept. 6--Rev. J.T. Collier delivered a very interesting sermon at Creech’s church Sunday, which was appreciated by all who heard him. Rev. Collier, of Micro, spent Saturday night at the home of Mr. J.H. Creech.

Mrs. Nettie Parham of Franklinton spent part of the past week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Baker.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Narron of the Sandy Spring school section passed through our burg Monday.

Mr. Cullen Creech made a business trip to Selma Tuesday.

Mr. Crafford Batten of South Carolina spent Sunday with his niece, Mrs. Lubie Batten in this section.

Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Creech of the Thanksgiving section and Mr. and Mrs. Ruffin Whitley of Corbett’s school section visited their uncle, Mr. Collen Creech Sunday.

Miss Velia Creech of Micro spent the week end with Misses Maggie and Delia Bunn.

Mr. J.A. Baker attended the Soldier’s dinner in Selma Monday.

Misses Lola and Rena Peele of Selma were in our section Sunday.

Mrs. Lula Peele of Wilson County spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. H.D. Godwin.

Some of the people of this section are attending the revival meeting at Antioch and Moore’s Chapel this week.

Misses Allie and Flora Stallings of Corbett’s School section spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Nancy Creech.

Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Hicks of Antioch section spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. William Hodge.

Some of the people of this section have started to picking cotton.


Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Malesy Pace motored to Sanford Friday to visit Mrs. Oscar Price.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Batten spent the week end with Mrs. George Anderson at Silverdale.

The revival at Carter’s Chapel, conducted by Rev. A. Corey and Prof. S.R. Stine, closed Sunday night. Over 3,000 chapters of the Bible were read during the week. There were no additions to the church.

Quite a number of our people attended the ball game at Selma Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Gray Easom of near Selma spent the week end at Mr. Sam Easom’s.

Mrs. Texas Helem is on the sick list.

Mrs. James Batten is able to be out again after a lingering illness.

Messrs. W.H. Pittman, W.H. Scott, F.M. and Berry Lancaster attended the opening tobacco sales at Wilson Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Pittman of Brances Chapel spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Pittman.

Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Narron of near Middlesex spent Sunday with Mrs. J.G. Narron.


People in our section have begun picking cotton.

Mr. W.E. Clifton spent Saturday night with her uncle, Mr. L.C. Clifton. “Bill”is one of our old boys we’re always glad to welcome back.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Whittenton of Benson spent Wednesday night with Mrs. Whittenton’s sister, Mrs. Q.V. Moore.

Messrs. Ralph Medlin and Wayland Bailey spent Friday in Raleigh.

Mrs. Noah Creech and children of Selma spent several days recently with relatives in this vicinity.

Miss Lessie Hill of Coats was the guest of Mrs. J.H. Price for the week end.

Mrs. J.W. Creech has returned after spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Dallas Stephenson, in the Providence section.

Mrs. R.N. Warren and W.H. Creech spent Sunday afternoon in Bunn’s Level.

Miss Lucy Creech entertained quite a number of the younger set at a delightful birthday party Saturday afternoon. Numerous games were played after which delightful refreshments were served. The guests all united in voting Miss Creech a charming hostess.

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stancil of Duke are spending some time with Mrs. Stancil’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Barbour.

Mr. T.M. Johnson and family of Coats spent Sunday afternoon with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.A. Johnson.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayland Bailey of near Coats were the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.D. Medlin for the week end.

The Elevation boys defeated the Barbourtown nine on the former’s diamond Saturday afternoon by a score of 12 to 0. the pitching of Morgan for the locals was the main feature.

A number of our farmers attended the opening of the tobacco market at Smithfield Tuesday.

Messrs. Mather and T.E. Dorman spent Wednesday in the Capital City.

From the front page of The Smithfield Herald, Friday, Sept. 9, 1921

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