
Sunday, October 24, 2021

14-Year-Old Girl Marries; School Holiday for Fair; Rocky Mount Wins Over Raleigh, 32 to 0; Marshals' Ball, Oct. 24, 1921

Girl of 14 Marries

License has been issued for the marriage of Arthur E. Scott, 23 years of age, and Thelma Ferrell, 14 years of age. Both live in Cross Roads Township.


School Holiday

The trustees of the Wilson graded schools, by a vote of 4 to 2, have decided to give the children and teachers (a) holiday on Friday of this week to enable them to visit the Wilson County Fair.


Rocky Mount 11 Wins Over Raleigh

Rocky Mount, Oct. 21—Mixing forward passes and hammering the visitors’ line, the Rocky Mount High School 11 obtained a decisive 32 to 0 victory over the Raleigh Highs here this afternoon. While the locals attack clearly outclassed the Captial City youngsters, the decisive score does not indicate the gameness with which the visitors fought as with a badly crippled team they fiercely contested every inch of ground that the locals gained.


Marshals Ball Big Event

The Marshals Fair Ball will be held Wednesday night, October 26th, at the Commonwealth Club. Those who care to attend who are not marshals will be required to pay a fee of $3, but it is understood that all ladies are admitted free. This dance will be strictly formal except visitors from out of town. The music will be furnished by the Olympia Five of Pennsylvania and dancing will start promptly at 9:30. This is promised to be the best dance held in Wilson for some time.

From of the Wilson Daily Times, Oct. 24, 1921

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