
Sunday, October 24, 2021

In Wilson Superior Court, Mayor's Court, Oct. 24, 1921

Superior Court

The special term of the Wilson County Superior Court to try criminal cases, which was ordered by the Governor at the request of the board of county commissioners, convened this morning with Judge Oliver H. Allen presiding.

The first case was C.C. Lewis of Stantonsburg for driving an automobile and running in the back of a truck while under the influence of liquor. Judge Allen made his fine $50 and stated that the next time it happened he would put him on the roads. The Judge stated that the driving of automobiles while under the influence of liquor is becoming too frequent and that offenders should be made an example.

J.H. Ruffin was given 12 months on the road for shooting into the house of Mr. Chas. Strickland. Ruffin and Strickland became involved in a quarrel at a tobacco barn because, Strickland alleges, he refused to go with Ruffin while the latter was under the influence of liquor. Parties separated them, and Strickland went to his home, while Ruffin secured his gun and fired twice through a window into Strickland’s residence. The defendant was also charged with an assault on Mrs. Strickland, who was also in the house. All the parties live near Simms.

The charge against James Ed Smith for reckless driving was not prossed.

The case against John T. Raper was continued at the request of his attorney, E.J. Barnes, who is unable to be out.

When the case against Futrell, implicated in the mob violence in Goldsboro several months ago, was called, it was learned that Futrell’s efforts to obtain a reprieve had been futile and that he is now in the State prison.

As we go to press G.W. Prigden is on trial for driving an automobile while under the influence of liquor.

From of the Wilson Daily Times, Oct. 24, 1921


Mayor’s Court

The following cases were dispensed of this morning before Mayor Killette:

Solicitor Coleman, shooting in town, $4.25.

Solicitor Coleman, assault on George Lee, $54.25.

Clifton Boykin, disorderly, $9.25.

Leonard King, disorderly, $9.25.

Winnie Mitchell, disorderly, $9.25.

J.B. Lucas, disorderly, $9.25.

Charlie Melton, drunk, $14.25.

Ben Wallace, drunk, $14.25.

Tom Dixon, drunk and disorderly, $14.25.

Harvey Sharp, carrying a concealed weapon, a black jack, $19.25.

Mike Edmundson, violating prostitution act, $54.25, upon failure to pay fine, sent to roads for six months.

Ella Clark, violating prostitution act, $54.25, upon failure to pay fine, sent to jail for four months.

Dave McFadden, assault on John McRoy, $24.25.

Grady Drake, Wm. Virgil and Leslie Blount, gambling, $14.25 each.

Jas. Wallace, Mack Gurley, P. Efirds, Dave McFadden, Fred Lewis, Geo. Foster, H.F. Alo and L. Markling, gambling, fined $9.25 each.

From of the Wilson Daily Times, Oct. 24, 1921

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