
Thursday, October 14, 2021

Brevard Methodist Church Had Good Year, Oct. 14, 1921

Methodist Church Has Good Year

Rev. A.S. Raper goes to Conference at High Point, October 19th, leaving Brevard on Monday morning, October 17th. He has just closed a most excellent year’s work at the Brevard Station.

Thirty persons have been received into the church this year. The Sunday Schools have had a most excellent attendance. The enrollment has been greatly enlarged.

The full quota was raised for christian education and nearly $500 more than their allotment.

At the same time the educational campaign was on, a plan was begun to raise money to build Sunday School rooms, and about $5,000 is now subscribed for this much needed enterprise, and soon they confidently expect to be in adequate Sunday School rooms.

The missionary societies have done well, and they will have a fine report for conference.

All in all, the year has been a year of great activity in this church and all reports will show a substantial increase. The best report ever is going up to the annual conference.

Because of the health of Mrs. Raper, it will become necessary for the pastor to seek lower altitude. Her health is greatly improved since going lower down in the state. For this reason, and this alone, it will be necessary for a new pastor to come to this beautiful mountain town next year.

The present pastor and his wife regret that this move has become imperative.

It is hoped that elder Willis will be returned to this district for his fourth year.

The last services for this conference year will be held at the Methodist Church Sunday morning at 11 a.m., and 7:30 p.m., October 16th, 1921. You are cordially invited to be present.

From the front page of The Brevard News, Friday, October 14, 1921. Although the word “Christian” is capitalized today, it was usually lower case if it was an adjective, as in “christian education” in this article.

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