
Thursday, October 14, 2021

New Hospital to be Built, Oct. 14, 1921

New Hospital to be Built. . . Remarkable Growth of Dr. Stokes’ Sanitarium Necessitates New, Modern Building

The Riverside Sanitarium has just completed the installation of the best water system that a modern hospital could possibly have. In addition to this, electricity has been connected together with other minor improvements.

Dr. Stokes contemplates moving the old building back from the present site in order that excavating can be begun immediately for a hospital that Transylvania will be proud of for a great number of years to come. It is believed that work will be well under way by early Spring for the new institution.

The Riverside Sanitarium is located in Dunns Rock Township on the banks of the French Broad River about 1 ½ miles from what is known as Wilson’s bridge.

The Hospital was located there about three years ago in a small way, and since that time has had unusual rapid growth in patronage.

Hundreds of patients are enthusiastic over their recovery form serious diseases, due to the proper treatment and care by the members of the hospital staff. Quite a few have recovered from serious operations which was their only hope of ever getting well again.

This institution has saved many a patient along, tiresome and perhaps fatal journey to some other city hospital. It has brought within our county noted surgeons of extraordinary ability who have become permanent citizens. It has meant a great deal to our citizens in times of great physical affliction.

The new sanitarium building, when completed, will mean a great deal more to the future citizens of Transylvania than anything else contemplated for public improvement at the present time. It will be of untold value in the development to the growth of this community.

From the front page of The Brevard News, Friday, October 14, 1921.

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