
Thursday, October 7, 2021

E.D. Randolph Shares News From Rosman, Oct. 7, 1921

Rosman Items

By E.D. Randolph

We are sorry to learn that another one of Brother Z.I. Henderson’s boys has broken his arm. This makes two this year. He has sure had bad luck. His daughter was snake bitten and two of his boys have broken arms.

Miss Arthia Fisher is suffering with appendicitis. We hope for her recovery without an operation.

Miss Edith Knight, from England, spent a few days with friends here. She is a welfare worker among the cotton mills in Lumberton, N.C.

Miss Willington, from Wilmington, Delaware, has spent three years at Eliada Orphanage, Asheville, and has come to do home missionary work in and around Rosman. We bid her God-speed, for we realize it is needed.

Miss Olive McNeel returned to her home in Irvona, Pa., last Friday, after a two weeks visit here with her sister, Mrs. Webster. Miss McNeel is a returned missionary from the foreign field. She expects to spend the rest of her year’s vacation in Pennsylvania and to return in early spring to MaKumps, Sierra Leone, West Africa, where she has spent four years of her life in missionary work. She says that it is her intention, by the will of God, to spend her entire life in Africa, preaching and teaching the Gospel to those who have never heard of Jesus as the Savior of the world. The harvest is great but the laborers are few. God is still for women and men who are willing to give their lives for the advancement of His Kingdom in the world and the salvation of the lost.

From the front page of the Brevard News, Oct. 7, 1921

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