
Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Plan to Participate in Halifax County's Armistice Day Celebration, 1921

Armistice Day Celebration. . . Patriotic Parade—Good Music—Attractive Floats, the First Representing the Discovery of America—Free Turkey and Oyster Dinner to All Ex-Service Men—College Foot Ball Game

Attention! All ex-service men and citizens of Halifax County to the “big doings” in Weldon on November 11th, at which you are urged and expected to be present.

The William Shaw Post of the American Legion, with your assistance and co-operation will most fittingly celebrate Armistice Day, and will on that day have as their guests all ex-service men in Halifax County and their friends. All indications are that the program for the day will be a “howling” success. The Post wants it understood that the entertainment will be absolutely without cost to their guests from Reville to Retreat, and every moment of this time will prove to be entertaining. The program for the day will be approximately as follows:

10 a.m. Patriotic Parade, in which all ex-service men are expected and urged to take part. Good music will be furnished, the kind that will make the boys “step out,” and an especially attractive feature of the parade will be the floats, the first representing the Discovery of America, with the following floats representing “America’s Freedom 1776,” “Victory,” “Education,” “Health,” “Schools,” “American Legion,” “Boy Scouts,” “Campfire Girls,” “Red Cross,” “Industries,” “Advertising,” and many others.

11 a.m. Exercises in Opera House, with Community singing. Special music and an address.

Noon. Free turkey and oyster dinner for all ex-service men. Don’t forget Buddies, this ain’t slum.

2:30 p.m. College Football Game—A. and E. and Carolina Freshmen. Efforts are being made to secure these teams, but in the absence of definite advice, promise is made of one of the most interesting games ever played in this section of the State.

Track Meet, competitive, between the three American Legion Posts in the county.

8 p.m. Shaw Post Minstrels, featuring “Deep C” Green, the famous local comedian, at the Opera House. This will be a “Scream.”

The Shaw Post of the American Legion requests that all schools throughout the county, and business houses observe a holiday on the 11th of November, in order to give all an opportunity to participate in the exercises. Everybody come to Weldon on that day, why not make your plans now? Your co-operation is earnestly solicited in that this may be the most successful celebration ever staged in our good country.

From The Roanoke News, Weldon, N.C., Oct. 6, 1921

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