
Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Charlotte Area Items, Star of Zion, Nov. 17, 1921

Vicinity Items Vicinity Items

There will be a “Womanless Wedding” at Grace A.M.E. Zion church, Monday evening, Nov. 21st, 1921. Everyone is invited to come out and enjoy this grand affair. Mr. H.H. Houston will be the blushing bride and Dr. W.H. Mosley will be the happy bridegroom. Messrs. John H. Taylor, Talmage Tate, J. Ingram, H. Comner, T. Irwin, J.E. Crawley and a number of other young men will take part in this wedding. Admission 10 cents; proceeds for the benefit of the church.

Mrs. Brooks and children of East 8th Street are visiting in Columbia, S.C.

Quite a number of ministers from all parts of the State are in the city to attend the Annual conference in session at Clinton Metropolitan church, Bishop L.W. Kyles, presiding.

The members of Moore’s Chapel A.M.E. Zion church, Lincolnton, N.C., made a good showing on their General Claims. They did not stay away the last night like a good many to shun duty, but every one responded to their obligation and paid their General Claim. Rev. S.D. Watkins who is supplying the work is ready for the conference. The church has done exceedingly well during his administration.

The Missionary Society of Clinton Metropolitan church met with Mrs. Lula Johnson, South Caldwell Street. After the discussion of the business the hostess served a salad course.

The Church Aid of Clinton chapel was delightfully entertained on last Wednesday eve at 6 o’clock at the home of the editor with his mother, Mrs. Walls. The meeting was largely attended. Mrs. Morris Walker was presented from the Little Rock Willing Workers and gives us some very encouraging words. We were plentifully served by the hostess. The Church Aid has had much success since organized by its efficient president, Mrs. Sarah Robinson.

From The Star of Zion, Chalotte, N.C., Nov. 17, 1921

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