
Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Louis King, Charles Cameron, Hobert Welch Fined in Assault Cases, Nov. 17, 1921

Assault Negro and Pay Fines in Court

Louis King and Charles Cameron, white men, were tried before Judge Walter Royal in municipal court Monday on charges of assault on Tom Byrd, negro.

A fine of $25 and the costs was imposed on King, while Cameron was dismissed upon payment of a $10 fine plus the costs. The defendants were represented by T.J. Gold, local attorney.

Hobert Welch was fined $15 and the costs when found guilty of assault on Winslow Smitherman.

In an effort to have a peace warrant issued for Bert Evans, white, court action was started by C.B. Bruce, who claimed the defendant had threatened his life. The case was tried before Judge Royal, but a dismissal of the action was ordered.

From the front page of The Review, High Point, N.C., Nov. 17, 1921

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