
Friday, November 19, 2021

Coroner Investigating Murder-Suicide of Harvey Furman, Mary Talton, Nov. 19, 1921

Raleigh’s Double Tragedy Is Probed

Raleigh, Nov. 19—Coroner J.E. Owens of Wake county is making an investigation of the double tragedy which resulted in the death of Harvey Furman, and the serious injury of Mrs. Mary Talton, in North Raleigh early yesterday morning. Mrs. Talton, a 37-year-old woman, at whose home Furman, 59 years old widower, boarded, says that the man came into the kitchen where she was cooking breakfast and proposed marriage to her. She spurned his suggestion, as she had done in the past, and he pulled out a pistol, shot her and then shot himself through the breast.

Mrs. Talton was the only eye-witness to the tragedy, and while her condition has been such that it has been impossible to examine her as to the details of the alleged assault and suicide, there are certain things about the homicide which leads the officers and coroner to believe that possibly some details and facts about the whole affair have not yet been brought out. For instance, it has been discovered that the pistol used was one belonging to Mrs. Talton. Her daughter examines that her mother had loaned the pistol to the boarder several days ago. There are also certain details about the nature of the wound which the officers are investigating before they render a verdict on the case.

From the front page of The Hickory Daily Record, Saturday, Nov. 19, 1921

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