
Friday, November 19, 2021

Governor Refuses Clemency to H.B. Futrel, Inciting Riot and Trying to Lynch Negroes, Nov. 19, 1921

Refuses Clemency to Leader of Mob

Raleigh, Nov. 19—Governor Cameron Morrison today refused to extend executive clemency to H.B. Futrel, who was convicted of inciting a riot and trying to lynch two negroes in Goldsboro in December of last year, by breaking into the Wayne county jail. Futrel was the leader of the mob and was arrested soon after the machine gun company of Durham had been called to the scene to prevent a lynching.

Two negroes were under arrest on the charge of murdering a white merchant on the outskirts of the city. The negroes were brought to Raleigh for safe keeping, but it was when they were carried back to Wayne for trial that the mob formed and tried to lynch them. One of the negroes has been electrocuted and the other is waiting the decision of the governor on his petition for commutation of sentence.

From the front page of The Hickory Daily Record, Saturday, Nov. 19, 1921

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