
Monday, November 22, 2021

Durham Mayor, Dr. John M. Manning, Arrested for Violating Narcotics Law, Nov. 19, 1921

Mayor of Durham Is Placed Under Arrest

Durham, Nov. 19—Dr. John M. Manning, mayor of this city and brother to Attorney General J.S. Manning of Raleigh, was arrested here today by Department of Justice agents on a charge of violating the Harrison narcotic law. The mayor waived a preliminary hearing and was released on a $10,000 bond, furnished by friends, for his presence at Federal court in Raleigh, which convenes Tuesday.

The charges against the mayor, who is a physician, grew out of prescriptions for two patients in this city.

Department of Justice agents have been working on this case for the past eight months and his arrest on so serious a charge came as a shock to his friends.

Dr. Manning was elected mayor at an election held in May. He has been prominently identified with the affairs of the city for many years.

From the front page of The Dunn Dispatch, Tuesday, Nov. 22, 1921

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