
Monday, November 22, 2021

Mama Made Her Point, Nov. 22, 1921

The Thanksgiving Fowl

This is told upon one of our citizens who has a reputation for stinginess:

Last year on the day before Thanksgiving the wife of this estimable citizen asked him what kind of fowl they’d have for the day. It so happened that their little son had just shot a sparrow with his air rifle. “Cook the boy’s bird,” the old fellow said.

For Thanksgiving dinner the good lady served an enormous dish and little sparrow, festooned with all the trimmings good cooks know how to place. After blessing, she uncovered the “fowl” and very sweetly asked the lord of the manner what portion he would have.

This year the family will have the biggest turkey the “old man” can buy.

From The Dunn Dispatch, Tuesday, Nov. 22, 1921

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