
Friday, January 28, 2022

Asheville Police Searching for Man Who Shot Miss Lola Barnard, Jan. 28, 1922

Demented Man Eludes Police. . . No Clew to the Man Who Shot Miss Barnard at Asheville

Asheville, Jan. 28—No additional clues had been found by the police today regarding the identity of the man, supposedly demented, who shot and wounded Miss Lola Barnard, aged 18, daughter of Mrs. H.E. Barnard, at her home, 414 Merrimon avenue yesterday morning.

Miss Barnard, with a bullet wound in her right hand, suffered severely during the night, but was resting more easily today. The attending physician believes there is no danger in her condition unless complications develop. The bullet tore through the fleshy part of the hand near the base of the thumb.

Bloodhounds of Sheriff Lyerly followed a trail from the Barnard home through an adjoining premises and then to Merrimon avenue where the scent was lost. Miss Ballard gave a minute description of the man who assailed her in her home and though she had never seen him before, could readily identify him, she said. He was apparently 30 to 35 years of age, had pimples on his face, and wore a cap.

The girl barely escaped with her life, and is suffering from sock as the result of her harrowing experiences. For several minutes her assailant kept a revolver thrust against her, threatening to kill her, and imploring her to go with him. Twice Miss Barnard answered the telephone while the man kept her covered with his gun, declaring he would shoot if she said a word about his presence.

From The Charlotte News, January 28, 1922

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