
Friday, January 28, 2022

Red Thomas Sentenced to 18 Years for Murder, Jan. 28, 1922

“Red” Thomas Is Sentenced to 18 Years for Second Degree Murder. . . Defense Takes Appeal to the Supreme Court. . . Jury Brought in Second Degree Verdict After Three Hours Delivberation. . . Thomas Breaks Down. . . Gives Way to Emotion While His Counsel Is Pleading for Mercy

By Eddie Brietz

Staff Correspondent of The News

Concord, Jan. 28—Judge Ray at noon today fixed Thomas’ bond at $20,000, pending action of the State Supreme Court on his appeal. Thomas’ attorneys say this can easily be provided.

Concord. Jan. 28—Red Thomas, found guilty late Friday night of slaying Arthur J. Allen, the Concord plumber, was sentenced to serve 18 years in State’s Prison at Raleigh, by Judge J. Bis Ray here this morning.

An appeal to the Supreme Court was immediately entered by John J. Parker, one of the defense lawyers. It is understood that Thomas will seek bail.

The sentence followed a brief but moving appeal for mercy by Mr. Parker during which Thomas broke down and sobbed like a baby.

. . . .

From The Charlotte News, Saturday, Jan. 28, 1922. You can try to read the rest of this article at, but the reproduction is poor. And the newspaper spelled the word "clue" as "clew" in the headline.

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