
Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Davis & Dunlap Store Robbed Again, Jan. 2, 1922

Store Robbed at Walnut Cove. . . Davis & Dunlap Lose Jewelry, Etc., and a Little Money—Officers Capture Still

Walnut Cove, Jan. 2—The store of Messrs. Davis & Dunlop here was broken into some time Thursday night of the past week and numerous things, besides several dollars in money, were taken from the store. In the list of items missed were several watches and a lot of jewelry. The thieves got into the store by breaking one of the windows at the back side of the building. Mr. Dunlap secured the famous blood hounds from Martinsville on the same day and they were taken to the scene of the robbery at once, but they were only able to trail the thieves to the house of a colored man. Warrants were issued and several houses searched, but no trace of the missing goods were found. This is the second time that the store of Messrs. Davis & Dunlap has been burglarized recently, and it is thought that the same parties committed both acts. The same class of goods were stolen each time and there were other evidences that it was the same parties.

Officers captured a still about two miles east of town Thursday last and it was reported here that one or two men were also arrested but no further reports on the matter have been heard.

Christmas was a quiet affair here outside of the shooting of a good many fireworks by the younger set. A few of them were required to pay fines for their fun which they no doubt didn’t mind.

From The Danbury Reporter, Jan. 4, 1922

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