
Tuesday, January 4, 2022

County to Reimburse J.M. Venable for Rabies Treatment of His Son, Peter, Jan. 4, 1922

Claim Is Filed Against County. . . For Expense of Son of J.M. Venable, Who Was Bitten by Mad Dog Recently

Mr. J.M. Venable of Quaker Gap township filed a claim against the county here Monday for $119.50 to cover expense occurred by him in having his son, Peter Venable, treated for hydrophobia, the young man having recently been bitten by a rapid dog alleged to belong to Robert Sisk of Quaker Gap township. Young Venable took the Pasteur treatment in Raleigh.

The county commissioners at their meeting Monday appointed three free holders, S.M. Gordon, J.M. Mitchell and John P. Lawson—to investigate the case and report to the Board as early as possible.

In the action taken as stated above both Mr. Venable and the county commissioners are acting within the law in regard to the case, which provides that the county commissioners shall pay all damages done by dogs in the county and that the collect from the owner of the dog any amounts paid out, including all expenses incurred.

From The Danbury Reporter, Wednesday, Jan. 4, 1922

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