
Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Howard Hull, Courier Editor, Returning to Florida for His Health, Jan. 5, 1922

Former Editor Goes to Florida. . . Mr. H.C. Hull Will Seek Salt Air Climate for Benefit of Health

Mr. Howard C. Hull, former editor of the Courier, is closing up his business here preparatory to removing to his home in Florida. He has a nice home there and expects to raise chickens and fruit. Mr. Hull is an expert in both lines and we feel that his success is assured. He came to Forest City in July of last year from near St. Augustine. It was at the solicitation of his friends that he was induced to take over the Courier, and that he has made wonderful improvement on the paper and made quite a success of the venture is well known. Mr. Hull has had considerable experience in the printing industry but had not previously edited a newspaper, and his success here well attests his ability.

We have heard nothing but praise of Mr. Hull and his excellent wife, and it is with regret that their friends learn of their intention of leaving Forest City. We have found Mr. Hull to be a straight forward, courteous gentleman in our dealings with him, and can most highly recommend him.

Mrs. Hull’s health is better in the lower altitude and the Florida climate is better for Mr. Hull’s throat trouble and nervous condition, and these reasons alone have influenced them in leaving our beautiful little Forest City. That success may attend them is the wish of all.

From the Forest City Courier, Rutherford County, N.C., January 5, 1922

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