
Sunday, January 30, 2022

Dr. J.W. Peacock, Who Killed Police Chief Taylor, Given No Extra Favors in Prison, Jan. 30, 1922

Give Peacock No Extra Favors in Prison

Raleigh, Jan. 30—Dr. J.W. Peacock, prominent Thomasville physician, now incarcerated in the criminal insane ward of the state prison here for killing Police Chief Taylor, will not be granted favors that are not accorded other prisoners, says George Ross Pou, superintendent.

Recently a request was made upon Superintendent Pou to give medical attention to the prisoners of the state prison here and at the central prison farm on the outskirts of Raleigh, but it was refused. A request for a recommendation from the prisoner officials to allow Dr. Peacock to work in the state’s hospital for the insane in this city has also been turned down.

Until there is a special legislative act Dr. Peacock will be kept in close confinement at the penitentiary since Superintendent Pou says he will not attempt to set aside the decision of the court which placed the Thomasville physician in prison for life. Any effort to obtain the man’s release or transfer to another state institution will be resisted by Davidson county citizens, the capital hears. Certainly there will be no effort made in this direction until the 1923 legislature meets, if then.

From the Hickory Daily Record, Monday, Jan. 30, 1922. Dr. Peacock was found innocent by reason of insanity and then sentenced to life in the criminal insane ward of the state prison in Raleigh.

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