
Sunday, January 30, 2022

Month-Old Moselle London Found Dead of Natural Cases in Her Cradle, Jan. 29, 1922

Month Old Negro Babe Found Dead in Cradle. . . Death Was From Natural Causes, Coroner Holden Says

Moselle London, month-old negro child, was found dead in her crib by her mother yesterday about 1 o’clock, according to reports made to the police department. Coroner A.S. Holden was notified and investigated the case, finding death to have resulted from natural causes.

According to the mother, she left the child in the crib about 12 o’clock and went away from the home to that of another negro. On her return, she said, she found the infant dead. There were no evidences of poisoning nor were there any bruises about the head or bod which would have indicated death by violence. The home is in James alley, between Fourth and Fifth streets.

No inquest will be held, Coroner Holden indicated that night, it being considered unnecessary in view of the facts in the case, all of which, Mr. Holden declares, point to death from natural causes.

From the Wilmington Morning Star, Monday, Jan. 30, 1922

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