
Sunday, January 30, 2022

Thieves Steal Groceries, Tobacco From Wright Graddy's Rock Hill Store, Jan. 30, 1922

Rock Hill Store Is Entered By Thieves. . . Provisions and Tobacco Taken by Robbers, Owner Reports

A half a barrel of flour, a tub of lard, various and sundry cases of canned goods, tobacco (chewing and smoking), a quantity of meat and several cartons of cigarettes comprised the haul of an unknown thief who entered the establishment of Wright Graddy, negro, at Rock Hill, sometime Saturday night.

Shortly after noon the police department was notified by phone of the robbery and the information was immediately conveyed to Sheriff George C. Jackson, who with Deputies Howe and Bullard, conducted an investigation, but, according to Sheriff Jackson, failed to find any clues which would indicate the identity of the marauder.

Work on the case will be continued by county officers, it was said last night.

From the Wilmington Morning Star, Monday, Jan. 30, 1922

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