
Sunday, January 30, 2022

Father and Son Catch Burglar in the Act in Their Home, Jan. 30, 1922

Shot Fired by Boy Leads to Arrest of New Bern Burglar. . . Negro Is Traced by Blood Trail After Attempt to Rifle Safe

New Bern, Jan. 29—Due to the bravery of “J.H.” the 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. R.R. Grimsley, Joe Bixon, negro, is under guard at a local hospital suffering from gunshot wounds in the left side, and it is believed that one of the gang of house breakers and second story men which has been operating here for the past several months is at last in custody.

Mr. Grimsley was awakened about 2 o’clock this morning by falling glass at a nearby home and awakening his wife and 14-year-old son, he waited for the prowler to come to his own home. Later he heard a noise, and arming himself with a pistol, Mr. Grimsley gave a single barreled shotgun to his son and together they went downstairs. In the library of the home they discovered a negro working at the safe. Mr. Grimsley threw a flashlight at the marauder and ordered him to throw up his hands. The negro leaped for a window, passing Mr. Grimsley and his son, and both fired as he went through. Mr. Grimsley’s shot failed to take effect but the discharge of the shotgun fired by “J.H.” struck the negro in the left side and the boy dashed out of the window in pursuit of the black.

The chase was given up by the boy when he saw that he was outdistanced and police authorities had been notified of the occurrence. By the trail of blood which the wounded man had left they made their way to his home, where, after a search, they located the coat he had worn when the shooting took place. It was badly torn where the loa had taken effect.

The officers learned that the man had changed his clothes and gone to the hospital, where they located him about 9 o’clock. A guard was placed at his bedside and as his injuries are not considered serious, he will probably be removed in a day or so to the jail.

During the recent epidemic of robberies here Bixon reported to the police that a safe had been stolen from him. Bixon is said to have served a seven-year term some time ago for housebreaking and he has given the authorities considerable trouble of late, officials say.

From the Wilmington Morning Star, Monday, Jan. 30, 1922

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