
Monday, January 31, 2022

Glendale News, Jan. 31, 1922

Glendale News

Kenly, Jan. 25—The men of Glendale section have been working on the school building. We hope it will soon be completed.

Miss Mary Adkins, music teacher of Glendale high school, has not been to school any this week on account of illness. We hope she will soon be well and back in school.

Messrs. Oscar and Jasper Boyette of Princeton spent Sunday with their brother, Mr. P.A. Boyette.

Miss Flossie Wellons of Princeton spent last week with Mrs. P.A. Boyette.

Mr. Cleon Woodard and mother made a business trip to Smithfield Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Boyette spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Pittman at Kenly.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Holland attended church at Bethany Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Boyette of Glendale spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Wellons of Princeton.

Mr. J.T. Stancil has been confined to his room for about three months and does not seem to be improving much.

Misses Hattie Meritt and Dolly Scott gave the teachers of Glendale High School a rook party Saturday night at the home of Mrs. P.A. Boyette. Those present were Misses Neta Andrews, Janie McGoogan, Erma Vance, Mary Adkins, D. Randal, Hattie Meritt, Dolly Scott and Flossie Wellons; Messrs. Oscar and Jasper Boyett, Arthur and Emmitt Stancil, Clarence Starling and James Woodard.

The basket ball girls of Glendale are playing basket ball every day. Will soon be ready to play some one in a “hot” game.

From The Smithfield Herald, Jan. 31, 1922

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