
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Farmers To Attend Co-Operative Marketing Meeting Jan. 30, 1922

Stokes Signers to Meet Jan. 30. . . Co-Operative Marketing Movement Swinging into Action. . . Elect Delegates. . . President C.M. Hauder Calls on Every Member to Meet at Danbury Next Monday, Jan. 30

To the Stokes County Members of Farmers Co-operative Marketing Association:

You are hereby called to meet at the court house in Danbury at 10:30 o’clock next Monday, January 30.

Our purpose is to elect delegates in our county to represent us at district meeting, Feb. 2, to choose a director for the district.

Every member in the county is urged to be present.

Chas. M. Hauser, President, Stokes Co. Association

From The Danbury Reporter, Jan. 25, 1922

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