
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Three Marriages, Spencer Saw Mill Sold, Other News from Campbell, N.C., January 1922

Three Marriages This Past Week. . . W.T. Spencer Sells His Saw Mill. . . Other News of Campbell

Campbell, Jan. 23—Mr. Tommie Hylton, a former Stokes citizen now residing in High Point, was married last week to Miss Thelma Tucker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hermie Tucker of Smith. The young couple will reside in High Point, at which place Mr. Hylton is engaged in the automobile business.

Another marriage occurring the past week was that of Miss Erna Rhodes, the popular and attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Rhodes, to Mr. Otis Dillon, a prosperous young farmer of this section.

Still another recent marriage was that of Mr. Tom Handy of Stuart Route 2, and Miss Nannie Roark of Netle Ridge Route 1, both being popular in their communities.

Best wishes for the happy young couples.

Mr. W.T. Spencer last week sold his saw mill and equipment to “Little” Jim Smith, who will operate the mill in the future. Mr. Harry H. Leake of Danbury spent Sunday here with his home folks.

The greater part of the tobacco crop in this section has been sold (remaining lines obscured).

From The Danbury Reporter, Jan. 25, 1922

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