
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

George Bird, Deputy Sheriff, Arrested for Blockading, Jan. 26, 1922

Deputy Sheriff Put Under Bond. . . George Bird of Rutherford County Charged with Blockading—Others Arrested

George Bird, an acting deputy sheriff of Rutherford county, was arrested Saturday, 26 miles south of Rutherfordton, by W.F. Swann, deputy marshal of Asheville, on a warrant charging illicit manufacture and retailing of whiskey. Bird gave bond of $500 for his appearance in district court here next May.

Steve Greenway, said to be an old offender, was arrested by the deputy marshal at Chimney Rock on a warrant charging manufacture of whiskey. Greenway gave $500 bond. He told the offender how he had successfully evaded arrest for three years. Some time ago Marcus Justice, a deputy marshal, and others, came upon Greenway, he said, but he managed to slip away through a wood. Gaining a hill overlooking the officers, Greenway waved to them shouted that if they wanted to go with him they had better come on.

Bud Henderson, arrested 16 miles northwest of Rutherfordton for alleged manufacturing, gave bond for $300 before a justice of the peace.

From Asheville Times, as reprinted on the front page of the Forest City Courier, January 26, 1922.

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