
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Wesleyan Methodist Church Dedicated, January 1922

Dedication of Methodist Church. . . Erected by Dr. T.C. McBrayer and Presented to Wesleyan Methodist Church—Dedicational Sermon by Rev. E.M. Graham

Last Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock the dedicational services were held in the new Wesleyan Methodist church building, which was completed last week. This is a new and handsome brick structure, erected by Dr. T.C. McBrayer at an approximate cost of $6,000, and presented by him as a gift to the Wesleyan Methodist church, of which denomination he is a member.

Rev. Edw. M. Graham of Gastonia, president of the North Carolina annual conference, officiated in the exercises. He also preached the dedicational sermon, using as his subject, “The Conquering Church,” from the text, Song of Solomon 6:10. This message was well received by the large audience present. Every available seat was occupied and many late arrivals could not be accommodated with seats. Rev. Graham laid special emphasis on the fact that God wanted His church to be a victorious church; that in order to be a conquering church, it must be well organized; must have a base of supplies; a worthy campaign before it; must be filled with a Spirit of its Great Leader. Rev. H.W. Hawkins, the pastor, assisted in the dedicational exercises, which were very impressive.

Preceding the ritual service, Dr. McBrayer arose, and in a few well chosen words, presented the building to the president of the conference for dedication, and handed him the deed to the property, stating that it was a free will act, his donation of this nice building. He was followed by Rev. H.W. Hawkins, who spoke of the remarkable financial success of Dr. McBrayer, and told of his interest in the Wesleyan Methodist church and the doctrines which it espouses.

Rev. Graham preached the first sermon in the new building at 11 o’clock Sunday morning, his subject being “God’s Eternal Standard.” The message was a doctrinal sermon on holiness, and the audience was a capacity one. The pastor preached at night to a large congregation, his subject being, “Feeding the Five Thousand.”

Rev. Graham, the president, says that a new day has dawned in Forest City for Wesleyan Methodism, and that he hopes soon to see the day when the Wesleyan Methodist church here will exert an influence for God and righteous living, second to no other church in the city.

From the front page of the Forest City Courier, January 26, 1922.

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