
Monday, January 10, 2022

Ira Dunn and Bettie Smith Obituaries, Jan. 10, 1922

Mr. Ira Dunn Dead

About 1 o’clock on December 25th the Death Angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. G.P. Dunn and took away their son, Ira.

He had been in poor health all his life, but bore his sufferings patiently until death. He was 23 years old and was always a good boy. If he ever did anything wrong it is not known by us. He was confined to his room only about three weeks before he died with heart dropsy.

All was done for him that father, mother, brothers, sisters and friends could do, but none could stay the icy hand of death.

Ira leaves to mourn his loss a father, mother, five brothers and seven sisters, besides a host of relatives and friends, but we hope their loss is his eternal gain.

A place is vacant in that home that never can be filled but God’s will must be done, not ours, for He doeth all things well. It is hard to give Ira up but he is sleeping beneath the sod waiting for the resurrection morn.

Friday night before his death Sunday he told some of his folks that Sunday would end his life here. He also told his little brothers that he had to leave this world and told them to be good.

He was laid to rest in the family burying ground near his home Monday, December 26th, amid a large crowd of sorrowing friends and relatives.

Many thanks to all the people throughout the community who helped during the sickness and death of their son.

A precious one from us is gone

A voice we loved is still.

A place is vacant in that home

That never can be filled.

Written by a cousin, Four Oaks, R.F.D.


Death in Smithfield

Mrs. Bettie W. Smith, widow of Mr. W.A. Smith, died this morning about 4 o’clock at the home of her son, Mr. W.S. Smith of Smithfield. She was about 60 years of age and had been in failing health about a year. Last Saturday morning between midnight and day she was stricken with paralysis and was found unconscious in bed Saturday morning. She sank gradually from the first of the attack until her death.

The burial will take place at Sanders Chapel Methodist church near her old home Wednesday morning at 11 o’clock.

Mrs. Smith lived in the country until a year or two ago when she moved to Smithfield. She was a useful member of Sanders Chapel Methodist church. She was one of a large family, five of whom survive her. Mr. Millard F. Sanders of Rocky Mount and Mr. John K. Sanders of this township are here brothers. She leaves three sisters, Mrs. W.S. Stevens and Mrs. Z.R. Martin of Smithfield and Mrs. T.K. Faison, who lives near Faison. She had nine children, all of whom were near her during her last hours.

From the Smithfield Herald, Jan. 10, 1922. Heart dropsy is an old-fashioned term. Ira Dunn most likely died of edema caused by congestive heart failure. The obituary mentioned that he had been in poor health all his life, so he may have had a congenital defect.

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