
Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Lookout Fishing Club Opened at Southern Power Dam, Jan. 11, 1922

Lookout Fishing Club Is Opened. . . Local Nimrods Enjoyed Hilarious Time at Southern Power Dam Thursday Afternoon

Opening of the new Lookout Fishing club at the Southern Power dam was featured yesterday by barbecue which was under the supervision of the president, R.A. Cooper. About 100 persons were present, which included the 60 members and the guests that the members invited.

The building which has just been completed has four rooms, a dining room and kitchen, and twelve-foot veranda. The building is located so that it commands a splendid view of the lake, and the picturesque surrounding rolling country.

The dinner consisted of barbecued pork, pickles, slaw and accessories.

The members plan to have a lot of fun during the coming spring and summer at the club. Some boats were ordered last summer for use on the lake. They will be put to good use next summer.

From the Statesville Sentinel, Wednesday, January 11, 1922.

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