
Monday, January 17, 2022

Monroe Chamber of Commerce Plans for 1922

Chamber of Commerce to Inaugurate Campaign. . . Committees Have Been Appointed to Make Thorough Canvas of Town; Program Outlined

The Monroe Chamber of Commerce, under the energetic leadership of the secretary, Mr. C.W. Orton, is planning for big things during the present year.

To begin with, a membership campaign in which a thorough canvas of the town will be made is to begin next Tuesday morning at 9 o’clock. The work will be divided and placed in the hands of different committees.

Two of these committees have already been named and consist of the following wide-awake men: First committee—T.P. Dillon, chairman, R.A. Morrow and F.G. Henderson; Second committee—W.B. Love, chairman, J. Allen Lee and C.W. Orton. Another committee will be appointed at an early date.

Among the things that the Chamber proposed to go after might be mentioned an under pass on the Charlotte highway, adjustment of freight rates as they effect local business, water supply to meet the needs of the increasing population of the town, and other things that will benefit the town and the county.

A clean-up and paint-up campaign will be planned some time during the spring months and everybody will be expected to join in this effort to make Monroe a better and more beautiful place in which to live.

An effort will also be made to install a credit rating system that is expected to be far-reaching in its results.

Far from being the least important undertaking, the Chamber expects to inaugurate is a progressive advertising campaign that will benefit every member of the organization.

Arrangements are being made for securing noted speakers to deliver lectures at an early date and there is something interesting and helpful in store for those who hear them.

Of course a strenuous effort will be made to attract different enterprises and industries, among which is the establishment of a laundry.

From the front page of The Monroe Journal, Tuesday, January 17, 1922

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