
Monday, January 17, 2022

Wingate News, Monroe Journal, Jan. 17, 1922

Wingate News

Wingate, Jan. 16—The Baptist Sunday School shows a marked improvement in attendance during the last quarter, the number present Sunday was over 300. Immediately after Sunday School the people went to church for preaching. One of the largest congregations seen there in some time attended the services Sunday morning. The pastor preached two interesting sermons, the night sermon being the second of a series he is preaching on “Life.” Your correspondent is also told that a large congregation attended the Methodist Church at both services.

Mr. Carl Biggers of Charlotte spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Biggers.

In a game of basket-ball Friday evening the high school defeated the graded school in a score of 18 to 13.

Mr. James Sherwood spent the week-end with friends in Marshville.

Owing to a broken transformer the street lights have not been burning for the past few nights, but Mayor H.K. Helms is doing all in his power to have the transformer repaired so the lights will be turned on sometime during the week.

From the front page of The Monroe Journal, Tuesday, January 17, 1922

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