
Monday, January 17, 2022

Mrs. Tadlock Knows How to Farm, Jan. 17, 1922

Mrs. Tadlock Knows How to Farm

Mrs. L.C. Tadlock of Buford township is establishing her farming operation upon a sound basis. The Journal learns from one of her neighbors that last year Mrs. Tadlock supplied her family, eight in number, with plenty of chickens, eggs, butter and milk, and in addition to that, sold eggs to the amount of $76.15, chickens $111.35, butter $870.05 and cream to the amount of $88.71—A total of $356.26. She also grew five bales of cotton but realized more profit from the products of her chickens and cows than from the cotton crop. Mrs. Tadlock also raised on her rented farm feed and food supplies for the family, making her profits a net gain.

From The Monroe Journal, Tuesday, January 17, 1922

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