
Monday, January 17, 2022

Prize Winners at Monroe Poultry Show, Jan. 17, 1922

Prize Winners at Poultry Show. . . A Large Array of Winners of Fine Poultry From Several Towns of This Section. . . Ellenboro to Wadesboro. . . Show Was Marked Success and Will Prove a Great Stimulation to Breeders of the Country

The poultry show which closed Friday night was a marked success. There were exhibitors from Ellenboro, Charlotte, Polkton, Wadesboro, and other places outside the county besides many breeders in this county who are producing fine fowls. The list of winners was so long that it required considerable time to compile it. The success of the show was due to the tireless work of the promoters and especially to the assistance given them by Mr. Orton, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce. The long list of winners follows:

Barred Plymouth Rocks—57 entries. Prize winners: Fourth cock—Mrs. R.C. Griffin, Monore; First and second hen—J.B. Wylie, Chester, S.C.; second cockerel—Marshal Hilton, Monroe; fourth cockerel—J.B. Wylie; first, second, third and fourth—C.W. Orton, Monroe; silver cup for best displayed Barred Rocks—C.W. Orton.

White Plymouth Rocks—J.H. McCall, Monroe, won all prizes.

Partridge Plymouth Rocks—Fourth cockerel and second and fourth pullets—R.S. Houston, Monroe; third pullet—Mrs. P.H. Johnson, Monroe.

Rhode Island Reds—First cock—W.R. Robbins, Cornelius, N.C.; third cock—Mrs. Nan Carlyle, Monroe; first cockerel—W.J. Edwards, Charlotte; second cockerel—W.R. Robbins, Cornelius; second cock—T.J.W. Broom, Monroe; third cockerel—Miss Sadie Covington, Wadesboro; first, second and third pullets—Miss Sadie Covington, Wadesboro; fourth pullet—W.R. Robbins; first hen—Miss Sadie Covington; second and fourth hen—Miss Nan Carlyle, (town not given).

White Wyandottes—First, third and fourth cocks—A.S. Harrill, Ellenboro; second cock—E.N. Bivens, Wingate; first and second cockerel—E.N. Bivens; third and fourth pullets—A.S. Harrill; second pullet—E.N. Bivens; third and fourth cockerel—A.S. Harrill; first, second and fourth hens—A.S. Harrill; third hen—E.N. Bivens; first, second and fourth pullets—A.S. Harrill; second pullet—E.N. Bivens.

Partridge Wyandottes--First, third and fourth cocks—A.S. Harrill; second and fourth cockerel—A.S. Harrill; first, second and third hens—A.S. Harrill; third and fourth pullet—A.S. Harrill.

Buff Wyandottes—Second and third cockerel, J. Clingman Griffin; first hen—J. Clingman Griffin; first, second, third and fourth pullets—J. Clingman Griffin. (Griffin’s community not given.)

Columbian Wyandottes—First cock, first, second, third and fourth hens—Baucom Haney, Marshville.

Silver-Laced Wyandottes—First and fourth cockerels—Miss Viola Kiker; first, second, third and fourth pullets—Miss Viola Kiker. (No community given.)

Brown Leghorns—First cockerel—E.C. Winchester, Monroe; second and third cockerel—W.S. Nisbet, Waxhaw; first, second, third and fourth pullets—R.F. Bost.

White Leghorns—Third cock—A.M. Craig, Monroe; first cockerel—Aleho Kennels (?); first, second and fourth hens—T.K. Helms, Monroe; first pullet—T.K. Helms; third hen—Aleho Kennels (?); third pullet—Sam Hudson, Monroe; fourth pullet—G.B. Caldwell, Monroe.

Buff Orpingtons—First cock—J.C. Gordon, Waxhaw; first cockerel—J. Louise Morrow, Monroe; fourth cockerel—W.W. Carroll, Monroe; first, second and third hens—T.P. Dillon, Monroe; first and fourth pullets—J.C. Gordon; second pullets—G.B. Caldwell.

R.C. Anconas—Second cock—F.R. Rose, Monroe; first second and fourth hens—Clayton Smith, Monroe; first, second, third and fourth pullets—F.R. Rose.

Dark Cornish—First cock—M.B. Haney, Marshville; first cockerel—J.W. McCain, Waxhaw; first pullet—J.W. McCain; second and third pullet—H.F. Dillon, Monroe; fourth pullet—A.W. McCall, Monroe; fourth hen—M.B. Haney.

S.C. Black Minoracas—Third cock—Miss Louise Morrow, Monroe; fourth cock—W.D. Faulkner, Monroe; first, second and fourth hens—Miss Louise Morrow; third hen—Henry Simpson, Monroe; third pullet—W.D. Faulkner.

Buckeyes—Third cockerel—First, second, third and fourth pullets—W.C. Crowell, Monroe.

Pitt Games—First cock—J.E. Efird, Monroe.

Light Brahmas—Third cockerel and second pullet—J.I. Long, Monroe.

Silver Campines—Third cockerel and first, second and third pullets—L. Bradshaw, Monroe.

Bronze Turkeys—First cock and second hens—Mrs. R.C. Griffin, Monroe; second cock—W.E. Funderburk, Monroe; third hen—W.E. Funderburk.

Bourbon Red Turkeys—First cock and first and second hens—W.B. Nisbet, Waxhaw.

White Embden Geese—First gander and first and second goose—W.B. Nisbet.

Toulouse—First gander and first and second goose—W.B. Nisbet.

White Pekin Ducks—First drake and first and second ducks—W.B. Nisbet.

White Leghorn Bantams—First cock and first hen—C.L. Hinson, Monroe.

Black Tail Japanese Bantams—First cock and first, second, third and fourth hens—Miss Cornelia Dillon, Monroe.

Golden Sebright Bantams—First cock and first hen—T.P. Dillon Jr.; third cockerel and second, third, and fourth hens—Otis Smith, Marshville.

White Fan-Tail Pigeons—First and second cock and first and second hens—Mrs. R.C. Griffin.

New Zealand Red Rabbits—I.H. Blair won all prizes.

Pen Prizes

T.P. Dillon, second pen Buff Orpingtons.

Miss Cornelia Dillon, first pen Black Tailed Japanese Bantams.

R.F. Bost, second pen S.C. Brown Leghorns.

Miss Viola Kiker, first pen Silver.

Frank Rose, first pen S.C. Anconas.

Otis Smith, first pen Golden Sebright Bantams.

E.N. Bivens, first pen White Wyandottes.

A.S. Harrill, second pen White Wyandottes.

J.W. McCain, second pen Dark Cornish.

G.B. Caldwell, second pen S.C. White Leghorns.

J. Clingman Griffin, second pen Buff Wyandottes.

Miss Sadie Covington, first pen S.C. Rhode Island Reds.

A.S. Harrill, first pen Partridge Wyandottes; also second pen Partridge Wyandottes.

J.H. McCall, first pen White Plymouth Rocks.

Mrs. R.C. Griffin, second pen Barred Plymouth Rocks.

George Laney, second pen Rhode Island Reds.

J.H. Blair, best display of pet stock.

W.B. Nisbet, special for greatest curiosity.

A.S. Harrill and G.B. Caldwell divide $15 for largest number of birds exhibited.

Mrs. R.C. Griffin, special for best trio turkeys.

J. Clingman Griffin, special for best trio geese.

W.B. Nisbet, special for best trio of ducks.

J.E. Efird, special for best Pit Game cock.

C.W. Orton, silver cup for best display of Barred Plymouth Rocks.

A.S. Harrill, one bed spring given by Southern Spring Bed Co., Atlanta, Ga., for best white bird in show, all varieties competing.

Miss Sadie Covington, one bag Maple Leaf flour, given by Buena Vista Mills, Buena Vista, Va., for best pen Rhode Island Reds.

R.F. Best, one bag scratch feed, given by Security Mills Feed Co., Knoxville, Tenn., through Heath-Morrow Co. for best pen Brown Leghorns.

W.C. Crowell, one bag scratch feed, given by same concern, for best pen of Buckeyes.

Miss Louise Morrow, one bag laying feed, also given by above named concern, for best Minorea male.

Mrs. R.C. Griffin, one bag Magnolia flour, given by D.A. Stikell & Sons, Haynstown, Md., through Heath-Morrow Co. for best trio turkeys.

Miss Cornelia Dillon, $5 for best pen in show on Black Tailed Japanese Bantams, all varieties competing.

J.C. Gordon, one bag scratch feed given by Security Mills Feed Co., Knoxville, Tenn., through Heath-Morrow Co., for best pen of Orpingtons.

Aleho Kennels, $7.50 for best pair of dogs in show.

From the front page of The Monroe Journal, Tuesday, January 17, 1922

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