
Tuesday, January 18, 2022

News from Pine Hall, King From Danbury Reporter, Jan. 18, 1922

Taylor Tuttle Has Accident—Mrs. Wesley Eaton Ill—Repairing Telephone Lines—Farmers Put in Gas Lights—By Scribbler

King Route 2, Jan. 2—Mr. Taylor Tuttle had the misfortune to get his wrist broken on Sunday while cranking his car.

Messrs. G.W., R.W. W.A. and T.B. Smith and N.F. Combe have recently installed gas lighting plants in their homes. The farmers of the community have taken on new life. Many of them are easily able to have all the modern conveniences, including water works, etc., in their homes.

Prof. East of Virginia recently taught a two-months singing school at Oak Grove, and is now teaching a three-weeks school at Mount Olive. Mount Olive expects to have a good choir soon.

Mrs. Wesley Eaton has gone to Pinehurst to spend some time in the interest of her health.

It looks like now there will be a wedding near by in the near future.

Mr. R.K. Long has stopped fishing this cool weather and is busy repairing telephone lines.


Industrial Plant for Pine Hall—Dan River Bridge Approach Is Finished—Other News

Pine Hall, Jan. 16—The approach to the big bridge here is now completed and the bride is now open for traffic of all kinds.

A light snow fell here today putting the spirit of winter into everything.

Misses Evelyn Gibson, Margaret and Irene Furbish, Emma Couter and Mr. Charles Finn were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Boyles at Walnut Cove Sunday afternoon.

Master jack Furbish left on Sunday afternoon for Price to spend a few days with his mother, Mrs. E.R. Furbish.

Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Angel of Stokesdale were the guests of their daughter, Mrs. J.B. Paris, Sunday afternoon.

The stockholders of the proposed manufacturing plant to be erected here soon met Saturday afternoon to draw up the charter of the company.

Chief L.O. Carter called on Miss Margaret Furbish Sunday evening.

Mr. Charles J. Flinn motored to Madison Saturday afternoon.


Business Lively in King This Week—Marriage Past Week—Dalton Bridge Completed—Other Items

King, Jan. 16—Mr. Joseph Knight is building an addition to his residence in West King.

Mr. Robert Nance and Miss Ola Overby were quietly married here last week, Esquire J.R. Caudle officiating. Only a few of the near relatives and friends were present.

The new residence of Mr. C.S. Fowler in west end is nearing completion.

Messrs. John Smith and Paul Johnson have purchased from Mr. Thos. E. Smith his store building, lot and stock of merchandise here, the consideration being $4,500. The owners will continue the business.

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Pulliam of Summerfield spent Sunday with relatives here. Farmers of this section returning from the Winston tobacco market today report that tobacco is selling better than at any time since Christmas.

The big new concrete bridge across Little Yadkin river, near Dalton, has been completed and will be opened up to traffic Jan. 20th. This will give the concrete time to harden.

From the front page of The Danbury Reporter, Jan. 18, 1922

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