
Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Rev. and Mrs. Albert Phillips Leave for Buenos Aires Where They Will Do Mission Work, Jan. 18, 1922

To Sail For South America. . . Mr. and Mrs. A.R. Phillips to Join Faculty of Baptist School at Buenos Aires

Rev. Albert Phillips and Mrs. Phillips of Dalton, this county, will both enter educational work in South America, under the auspices of the Southern Baptist Mission Board, sailing from New York on February 16th.

This announcement will be received with much interest throughout the county and this entire section of the State.

Mr. Phillips is a son of Dr. and Mrs. M.D. Phillips of Dalton, this county, and is widely known. About five years ago he was married to Miss Ruth Cook, member of a prominent Virginia family and a graduate of Meredith College, Raleigh.

Mr. Phillips was given his preliminary training at Leaksville-Spray Institute, graduating from Wake Forest College. For about 4 years he taught in the State high schools at King and other places. While teaching he was married to Miss Cook and together they entered the Baptist Theological Seminary at Louisville, Ky., Mr. Phillips completing the master’s degree in theology and Mrs. Phillips completing the graduate degree.

Leaving the seminary Mr. and Mrs. Phillips went to Eastover, S.C., where Mr. Phillips was pastor for 18 months, resigning to accept service with the foreign mission board.

Mr. and Mrs. Phillips will spend the next few days with relatives at Dalton and in Virginia, following which they will sail for their new field of labor in Argentina, South America. Both will be active in educational work under the auspices of the Southern Baptist Board, and will be attached to the faculty of the Baptist school at Buenos Aires.

From the front page of The Danbury Reporter, Wednesday, Jan. 18, 1922

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